
Bees do have smell,

you know,

and if they don't they should,

for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers.

I created this educational website for my family and friends who ask 'how are your bees'. I also want to share my experience with other veterinarians and beginners who are learning the art of beekeeping just as I am. I've made lots of mistakes so please don't use this as a 'how to' site. Read and learn and decide what is best for you. There is more than one correct way to keep bees and there is a lot of erroneous information out on the web. Subscribe to a beekeeping journal, read bee books, participate in beekeeping classes, see if your local county offers a short course, find a mentor and you will be on your way. If you have questions or would like information added to this site, feel free to send me an email.

Dr. Rebecca A. Krimins

Annapolis, Maryland  


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